
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A (10) | B (3) | C (8) | D (7) | E (2) | F (1) | G (7) | H (2) | I (3) | K (1) | L (1) | M (5) | N (1) | P (6) | R (6) | S (4) | T (5) | V (2) | W (1) | X (3)
  • Penetrance

    The percentage of people with a disease causing mutation who show clinical features of that condition. If all individuals with a disease causing mutation show clinical features of the condition, the condition is said to have complete penetrance. If some individuals with a disease causing mutation do not show clinical features of a condition, the condition is said to have reduced or incomplete penetrance.

  • Pharmacogenetics

    Study of the role of genetics in medication response. Often used interchangeably with “pharmacogenomics.”

  • Pharmacogenomics

    Study of the genes involved in a medication response across the whole genome. Often used interchangeably with “pharmacogenetics.”

  • Phenotype

    Observable or measurable characteristics, traits, or clinical symptoms of an individual.

  • Prevalence

    The number or percent of people who have a certain disorder at a specific point in time. Prevalence describes how many people in total in a population are affected. See incidence.

  • Protein

    A chain of amino acid molecules that folds into three-dimensional shapes. Proteins are the building blocks of the human body and its functions. Proteins are the building blocks of the human body and perform important functions.

My46 is an innovative web-based tool that enables individuals to manage their own genetic testing results.

Your genome is your entire genetic code or all of the DNA in a cell.

What My46 Means

Most human cells have 46 chromosomes that provide the genetic instructions for a body to live, grow, and develop.

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