
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A (10) | B (3) | C (8) | D (7) | E (2) | F (1) | G (7) | H (2) | I (3) | K (1) | L (1) | M (5) | N (1) | P (6) | R (6) | S (4) | T (5) | V (2) | W (1) | X (3)
  • Deletion

    The loss of genetic material. Compare with duplication.

  • Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    Contains the genetic instructions needed for an organism (such as a human) to grow and live. DNA is often compared to a blueprint, code, or recipe.

  • Disease

    Refers to an incorrectly functioning body system, organ, body part, or structure. Causes include genetic or developmental abnormalities, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, or harmful things in the environment where one lives. Typically refers to a person who is medically ill.

  • DNA

    Contains the genetic instructions needed for an organism (such as a human) to grow and live. DNA is often compared to a blueprint, code, or recipe.

  • DNA Sequencing

    A method to read or examine the exact sequence of the DNA bases (A, C, G, and T). The DNA base sequence is very specific. It carries the information a cell needs to make amino acids and proteins that carry out important functions in your body. Usually DNA sequencing involves reading the sequence of a specific gene. Also see whole genome sequencing and exome sequencing.

  • Dominant

    Refers to the presence of a genetic disorder when inheriting one changed copy of a gene is enough to show signs of the condition. See autosomal dominant and X-linked dominant. Compare this term to recessive.

  • Duplication

    The presence or gain of genetic material. Compare to deletion.

My46 is an innovative web-based tool that enables individuals to manage their own genetic testing results.

Your genome is your entire genetic code or all of the DNA in a cell.

What My46 Means

Most human cells have 46 chromosomes that provide the genetic instructions for a body to live, grow, and develop.

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