Results Preferences

Demonstration only: preferences will not be saved

Choose the types of results you would like to receive by selecting your result preferences for each Trait category or Trait in the table below. You can choose, “Yes,” “No,” or “Undecided.” If you choose "Undecided" you will not receive results for that type of result. A summary of your results selected and not yet selected is located in the sidebar.

You can change your preferences at any time. Clicking on a trait links you to its “trait profile”.

<!-- DEMO RESULTS PREFERENCES CHILD PAGE --> <?php //Demo var $demo_my46id = 'My46DemoConsumer0001'; //Get Variable $parent_cat = $_GET['a']; $parent_name = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $parent_cat)); if ($parent_name == 'Acmg Recommended Conditions') { $parent_name = 'ACMG Recommended Conditions'; } //Other vars $selected_counter = 0; $unselected_counter = 0; $trait_count = 0; $selected_array = array(); $search_directory = getcwd(); //Get tsid for pre-set demo person tested $tsid = db_query(' SELECT tsid FROM my46_user_tested_info WHERE my46id = :my46id', array( ':my46id' => $demo_my46id )) ->fetchField(); //Parent Categories $parent = db_query(' SELECT p.pcid FROM parent_categories p WHERE p.parent_category = :pc', array( ':pc' => $parent_name )) ->fetchField(); //Subcategory cids for this parent category $children = db_query(' SELECT cid FROM categories WHERE pcid = :pcid', array( ':pcid' => $parent )) ->fetchCol(); //Sub categories $sub = db_query(' SELECT c.*, ce.example FROM categories c INNER JOIN categories_examples ce ON ce.cid = c.cid WHERE pcid = :pcid ORDER BY category', array( ':pcid' => $parent )) ->fetchAll(); //Get the demo traits selected from session $demo_traits = $_SESSION['demo_traits']; //Get total number of traits for this user in this parent category $trait_tids = db_query(' SELECT DISTINCT(t.tid) FROM my46_traits_to_users u INNER JOIN my46_traits_to_categories tc ON u.tid = tc.tid INNER JOIN my46_traits t ON u.tid = t.tid WHERE u.tsid = :tsid AND cid IN ( SELECT cid FROM categories WHERE pcid = :pcid )', array( ':tsid'=>$tsid, ':pcid' => $parent )) ->fetchCol(); //Get the associated cids for each trait (each trait can belong to multiple categories) foreach ($trait_tids as $trait_tid) { $trait_cids = db_query(' SELECT cid FROM my46_traits_to_categories WHERE tid = :tid', array( ':tid' => $trait_tid )) ->fetchCol(); //Filter for the matching cids for each possible categories foreach ($children as $child) { if (in_array($child, $trait_cids)) { $trait_count++; } } } //Filter the demo_traits for the selected traits in this parent category foreach ($demo_traits as $demo_trait) { if (in_array($demo_trait->tid, $trait_tids) && !empty($demo_trait->setting)) { $selected_counter++; array_push($selected_array, $demo_trait); } } $not_selected_count = $trait_count - $selected_counter; //Counters $sub_category_count = count($sub); $selected_count = (empty($trait_count)) ? 0 : $selected_counter; //$not_selected_count = (empty($trait_count)) ? 0 : $unselected_counter; ?> <div id="demo"> <div id="results-preferences"> <div id="my46-my-preferences-div"> <form action="/consumer-demo/preference-processor?a=<?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" method="post" id="my46-my-preferences"> <div id="my-preferences-table"> <div id="button-headers"> <div class="result-type col1 beautytips" title="A trait category is a group of traits that are similar to each other such as traits associated with heart conditions or blood disorders.">Trait Categories</div> <div class="radio-cell col2">YES, I want results</div> <div class="radio-cell col3">NO, I do not want results</div> <div class="radio-cell col4">I am undecided</div> </div> <div id="pref-counter-div"> <div id="counter-not-selected"> <div class="header">Not selected</div> <div class="number <?php if ($not_selected_count > 0) { echo "red-border-number"; } ?>"><?php echo $not_selected_count; ?></div> </div> <div id="counter-selected"> <div class="header">Selected</div> <div class="number"><?php echo $selected_count; ?></div> </div> </div> <div id="select-all-buttons"> <div id="submit-button-div"><input id="next-steps-button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Save preferences"></div> <div id="select-all-yes" class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> select-all col2">Select all</div> <div id="select-all-no" class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> select-all col3">Select all</div> <div id="select-all-undecided" class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> select-all col4">Select all</div> </div> <div id="scroll"> <ul id="slide-prefs"> <?php //if parent category has no subcategories if($sub_category_count == 0) { $traits = db_query(' SELECT DISTINCT(trait), trait_abbr FROM my46_traits_to_users u INNER JOIN my46_traits_to_categories tc ON u.tid = tc.tid INNER JOIN my46_traits t ON u.tid = t.tid WHERE u.tsid = :tsid AND cid IN ( SELECT cid FROM categories WHERE pcid = :pcid) ORDER BY trait', array( ':tsid'=> $tsid, ':pcid' => $parent )) ->fetchAll(); $sub_map = function($t) {return $t->setting;}; $temp_pref_count = array_count_values(array_map($sub_map, $selected_array)); $number_of_yes = $temp_pref_count['yes']; $number_of_no = $temp_pref_count['no']; $number_of_undecided = $temp_pref_count['undecided']; ?> <!-- Setup for parent categories with no subcategories --> <li class="slide no-example <?php if($trait_count != $selected_count){ echo 'incomplete'; } ?>"> <div id="cat-<?php echo $parent; ?>" class="category <?php echo $parent_cat; ?>"> <div class="col-type slide-title"> <span class="slide-name"><?php echo $parent_name; ?></span> <span class="slide-arrow">&nbsp;</span><br /> </div> <div class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio yes <?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" value="yes" <?php if($number_of_yes == $trait_count && $trait_count != 0){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio no <?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" value="no" <?php if($number_of_no == $trait_count && $trait_count != 0){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio undecided <?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $parent_cat; ?>" value="undecided" <?php if($number_of_undecided == $trait_count && $trait_count != 0){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> </div> <?php $trait_counter = 0; foreach($traits as $trait) { $trait_counter++; foreach($demo_traits as $demo_trait) { if ($demo_trait->trait == $trait->trait) { $preference_setting = $demo_trait->setting; } } $lc_trait = strtolower($trait->trait_abbr); $trait_handle = str_replace(" ", "-", $lc_trait); ?> <div id="<?php echo $trait_handle;?>" class="subcat <?php echo $parent_cat; ?> trait <?php echo $trait_handle; ?> slide-body <?php print ($trait_counter % 2 == 0 ? even : odd); ?>"> <div class="row"> <div class="col1 subtype"> <?php $filename = $search_directory . "/sites/". $trait->trait .".mp3"; if (file_exists($filename)) { ?> <div class="playback trait"></div> <audio> <source src="/sites/<?php echo $trait->trait; ?>.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <source src="/sites/<?php echo $trait->trait; ?>.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> <?php } ?> <a id="" class="simple-dialog trait" title="My46 Trait Profile" name="node-543" rel="width:942;height:600;resizable:true;position:[center,20];" href="/trait-document?trait=<?php echo $trait->trait;?>&type=profile"><?php echo $lc_trait;?></a> <br /> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio yes <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="yes" <?php if($preference_setting == 'yes'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio no <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="no" <?php if($preference_setting == 'no'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio undecided <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="undecided" <?php if($preference_setting == 'undecided'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> </div> </div> <?php unset($preference_setting); } ?> </li> <?php } else { foreach($sub as $category){ $traits = db_query(' SELECT trait, u.tid, tc.cid, trait_abbr FROM my46_traits_to_users u INNER JOIN my46_traits_to_categories tc ON u.tid = tc.tid INNER JOIN my46_traits t ON u.tid = t.tid WHERE u.tsid = :tsid AND cid = :cid ORDER BY trait', array( ':tsid'=> $tsid, ':cid' => $category->cid )) ->fetchAll(); //print_r($traits); foreach($traits as $trait) { foreach($demo_traits as $demo_trait) { if ($demo_trait->trait == $trait->trait) { $trait->setting = $demo_trait->setting; } } } //print_r($subcat_traits); $sub_map = function($v) {return $v->cid;}; $sub_count = array_count_values(array_map($sub_map, $traits)); $trait_count_subcat = $sub_count[$category->cid]; $map = function($v) {return $v->setting;}; $count = array_count_values(array_map($map, $traits)); $number_of_yes = $count['yes']; $number_of_no = $count['no']; $number_of_undecided = $count['undecided']; $selected_count_subcat = $number_of_yes + $number_of_no + $number_of_undecided; $example_full_name = strtolower($category->example); $example_name = str_replace(" ", "-", $example_full_name); $example_uppercase = ucwords($category->example); ?> <li class="slide <?php if (($selected_count_subcat != $trait_count_subcat) && ($trait_count_subcat > 0)) { echo 'incomplete'; } ?>"> <div id="cat-<?php echo $category->preference; ?>" class="category <?php echo $category->preference; ?>"> <div class="col-type slide-title"> <span class="slide-name"><?php echo $category->category; ?></span> <span class="slide-arrow">&nbsp;</span><br /> <a href="/demo/my-preferences/<?php echo $parent_cat; ?>/examples" class="simple-dialog" rel="width:700;height:auto;resizable:true;position:[center,60]" name="<?php echo $example_name; ?>" title="<?php echo $example_uppercase; ?>">example: <?php echo $category->example; ?></a> </div> <div class="<?php echo $category->preference; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio yes <?php echo $category->preference; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $category->preference; ?>" value="yes" <?php if($number_of_yes == $trait_count_subcat && !empty($sub_count)){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $category->preference; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio no <?php echo $category->preference; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $category->preference; ?>" value="no" <?php if($number_of_no == $trait_count_subcat && !empty($sub_count)){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $category->preference; ?> category button"> <input class="category-radio undecided <?php echo $category->preference; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $category->preference; ?>" value="undecided" <?php if($number_of_undecided == $trait_count_subcat && !empty($sub_count)){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> </div> <?php $trait_counter = 0; foreach($traits as $trait){ $trait_counter++; $preference_setting = $trait->setting; $lc_trait = strtolower($trait->trait_abbr); $trait_handle = str_replace(" ", "-", $lc_trait); ?> <div id="<?php echo $trait_handle;?>" class="subcat <?php echo $parent_cat; ?> trait <?php echo $trait_handle; ?> slide-body <?php print ($trait_counter % 2 == 0 ? even : odd); ?>"> <div class="row"> <div class="col1 subtype"> <?php $filename = $search_directory . "/sites/". $trait->trait .".mp3"; if (file_exists($filename)) { ?> <div class="playback trait"></div> <audio> <source src="/sites/<?php echo $trait->trait; ?>.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> <source src="/sites/<?php echo $trait->trait; ?>.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> <?php } ?> <a id="" class="simple-dialog trait" title="My46 Trait Profile" name="node-543" rel="width:942;height:600;resizable:true;position:[center,20];" href="/trait-document?trait=<?php echo $trait->trait;?>&type=profile"><?php echo $lc_trait;?></a> <br /> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio yes <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="yes" <?php if($preference_setting == 'yes'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio no <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="no" <?php if($preference_setting == 'no'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> <div class="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?> trait button" > <input class="preference-radio undecided <?php echo $category->preference . ' ' . $parent_cat; ?>" type="radio" name="<?php echo $trait_handle; ?>" value="undecided" <?php if($preference_setting == 'undecided'){?> checked="checked" <?php } ?>> </div> </div> </div> <?php unset($preference_setting); } ?> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="submit-button-div2"> <input id="next-steps-button2" type="submit" name="submit" value="Save preferences"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div>
<?php $parent_cat = $_GET['a']; global $user; $learn_more_node_ids = array("disease-risk" => 209, "carrier-status" => 207, "medication-response" => 208, "ancestry" => 210, "genetic-syndromes" => 524, "metabolic-disorders" => 527, "newborn-screening-conditions" => 531, "copy-number-variants" => 637, "acmg-recommended-conditions" => 644); $node_id = $learn_more_node_ids[$parent_cat]; $node = node_load($node_id); $body_content = $node->body[$node->language][0]['value']; print $body_content;
<?php $parent_cat = $_GET['a']; $examples_node_ids = array("disease-risk" => 213, "carrier-status" => 634, "medication-response" => 212, "ancestry" => 210, "genetic-syndromes" => 523, "metabolic-disorders" => 528, "newborn-screening-conditions" => 532, "copy-number-variants" => 638, "acmg-recommended-conditions" => 645); $node_id = $examples_node_ids[$parent_cat]; $node = node_load($node_id); $body_content = $node->body[$node->language][0]['value']; print $body_content;
<?php $parent_cat = $_GET['a']; $pro_con_node_ids = array("disease-risk" => 214, "carrier-status" => 216, "medication-response" => 215, "ancestry" => 210, "genetic-syndromes" => 533, "metabolic-disorders" => 529, "newborn-screening-conditions" => 533, "copy-number-variants" => 639, "acmg-recommended-conditions" => 646); $node_id = $pro_con_node_ids[$parent_cat]; $node = node_load($node_id); $body_content = $node->body[$node->language][0]['value']; print $body_content;
<?php $parent_cat = $_GET['a']; $resources_node_ids = array("disease-risk" => 217, "carrier-status" => 219, "medication-response" => 218, "ancestry" => 210, "genetic-syndromes" => 526, "metabolic-disorders" => 530, "newborn-screening-conditions" => 534, "copy-number-variants" => 640, "acmg-recommended-conditions" => 647); $node_id = $resources_node_ids[$parent_cat]; $node = node_load($node_id); $body_content = $node->body[$node->language][0]['value']; print $body_content;

My46 is an innovative web-based tool that enables individuals to manage their own genetic testing results.

Your genome is your entire genetic code or all of the DNA in a cell.

What My46 Means

Most human cells have 46 chromosomes that provide the genetic instructions for a body to live, grow, and develop.

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